Freedom isn’t just about surviving.
It’s about thriving!
Survival is not a destination, it is the process required to overcome the impossible. Those of us who have experienced sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation need to know that it happened to us, it does not define who we are. Twelve 11 believes that every individual has the God-given potential to thrive in freedom.
Everyone can have a career.
Whether you dream of a corporate career, starting your own business, or just doing what it is you love to do while thriving in self-sufficiency… you can have it! Twelve11 wants to partner with you to discover your natural talents and hidden skills so that you are equipped to not only pursue your dreams, but embrace the leader that you already are. We believe in you!
Everyone should be included.
It’s hard enough to identify as a survivor, it’s even harder to reach out for help if you don’t feel represented. In an effort to prevent the revictimization of survivors of color, bring awareness to marginalized populations, and educate communities, Twelve 11 hosts speaker series and events that explore environments and circumstances that leave people at risk of being trafficked. This is a great way to learn more about trafficking, share your experience your way, develop skills by participating in events and be connected to resources. You matter and you should be included.
Have questions? Contact us.
Our services are 100% free-of-charge.